We hold three support meetings a term for all our HPC facilitators. They are a great opportunity for encouragement and for learning from each other.
This term we shared about how we are using the CLANGERS in our day to day.
Jane, who delivers the programme for the national charity, LOOK, has just finished their third course, along with assistant facilitator Jo. “I’ve got a personal trainer, I go to the doctor more often. I’m more aware of how I am. Walking the dog- I make sure it’s about resetting my day, noticing things. I took a photo of a heron and posted it on our course WhatsApp.”
Maureen, a facilitator for Sunderland PCF, said “We’ve done 4 or 5 courses now and every single one is different. You learn different things from each one.”
Louise Stratton delivers online all over the country to Navy personnel. “I’m doing a Craft and Connect session with some of my parents, so they are learning and connecting. I love delivering HPC.”