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A toolbox of strategies to use everyday

14 December 2023

Suzanne has completed the HPC course run by LOOK.

“A fantastic course that I would recommend to any parent carer. Not only have I made some fantastic connections with other parent carers, I have learnt so much about myself and what I need going forward to be the best version of myself that I can be.

It’s easy to lose yourself as a parent/carer – now I know who I am, what I need and I have a toolbox of strategies to use everyday. When I started the course I think I was just in survival mode. Now I’m able to reflect on the pressures of every day and make sure I build time in for self care and I’m in a much better headspace.

The course is a big commitment, but you will not regret the investment in time.”

Here she is- a proud mum with her son Zac.

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